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Do you have a lead or a tip that you’d like us to look into? Is there anything happening in your command that is extraordinarily unique? Have you seen something that troubles you? Would you like share some information about your unit, your command, your installation or your own military community? Tell us about it—help us find the stories that need to be told.

We grant anonymity upon request. The Military Times is an independent newsroom. We’re outside the military’s chain of command. And we pursue stories of importance to service members regardless of how the brass might feel about it. If you would like to be a background source on a story, or if there are documents or other materials that you think we should see, there are three ways to send us a tip:

Option 3

Send us some old-fashioned snail mail at:

Military Times
1919 Gallows Road
Suite #400
Vienna, VA 22182

Option 1

Email us at: tips@militarytimes.com

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Option 2

Contact us via our tips submission form here: